YusukeTeam aujourd'hui c'est :
224 Anime Wallpapers, 4022 Paroles/Lyrics, 1464 fiches séries Manga / Anime, 1297 Skins Winamp, 1982 icones manga, des partitions de musique, 8 YusukeTeam compils, des articles complets, etc...
Articles Manga
  Angel Sanctuary
  Inu Yasha
  Tsukasa Hojo
  Vampire Miyu
  Wolf's Rain
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Fonds d'écran
  224 Anime Wallpapers
Série Database
  Voir les 1464 séries
  Full Metal Alchemist
  Cowboy Bebop
  Wolf's Rain
  YDB, le logiciel!
  4022 Paroles/Lyrics
  98 Partitions
  YusukeTeam Compil'
  1297 Skins Winamp
  8 Skins ICQ
  1982 Icônes de bureau
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Rechercher : Sur :
     Saber Marionetts J Saber Marionetts J To X Saint Seiya Saishuu-Heiki Kanojo Sakura Taisen Samurai Champloo Samurai Troopers Sazae-San Scrapped Princess Senkai Houshin Engi Serial Experiments Lain Shamanic Princess Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children Shin Seiki Evangelion / Neon Genesis Evangelion Shinpi No Sekai ERUHAZAADO / El Hazard : The Magnificant World
    Série : Shin Seiki Evangelion / Neon Genesis Evangelion
    Titre : Evantroduction
    Do you love me?


    Born evil giant sinner
    Human spirit lies

    No compassion tortured soul


    Armageddon day is here
    Living hell has come

    Worlds worst nightmare has appeared



    Throughout time and history
    Everyone has had time to face adversity
    Be it as part of a race, a tribe, a family
    Or as an individual
    The course of action necessary
    To bring about the situation
    Do we fight and flourish?
    Or be pacified and overwhelmed?
    Can good truimph over evil?
    Will we ever really know?
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