YusukeTeam aujourd'hui c'est :
224 Anime Wallpapers, 4022 Paroles/Lyrics, 1464 fiches séries Manga / Anime, 1297 Skins Winamp, 1982 icones manga, des partitions de musique, 8 YusukeTeam compils, des articles complets, etc...
Articles Manga
  Angel Sanctuary
  Inu Yasha
  Tsukasa Hojo
  Vampire Miyu
  Wolf's Rain
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  224 Anime Wallpapers
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  Full Metal Alchemist
  Cowboy Bebop
  Wolf's Rain
  YDB, le logiciel!
  4022 Paroles/Lyrics
  98 Partitions
  YusukeTeam Compil'
  1297 Skins Winamp
  8 Skins ICQ
  1982 Icônes de bureau
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     Saber Marionetts J Saber Marionetts J To X Saint Seiya Saishuu-Heiki Kanojo Sakura Taisen Samurai Champloo Samurai Troopers Sazae-San Scrapped Princess Senkai Houshin Engi Serial Experiments Lain Shamanic Princess Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children Shin Seiki Evangelion / Neon Genesis Evangelion Shinpi No Sekai ERUHAZAADO / El Hazard : The Magnificant World
    Série : Shin Seiki Evangelion / Neon Genesis Evangelion
    Titre : From my Dreams
    You were my fantasy
    And now you're reality
    You found a way into my life from my dreams
    You're givin' me everything
    I never thought love could bring
    You found a way into my heart from my dreams

    Before I met you I'd always get by
    I never doubted, I was strong inside
    I was happy in my life
    Everything was going as I had planned
    I always felt I had the upper hand
    And I could handle anything


    I never gave a thought to the possibility
    That there was something missin'
    So hung up on makin' me my priority
    I only had to listen to my imagination

    I wake up in the morning feelin' fine
    Now you're the first thing that is on my mind
    I feel a change in me
    Emotions that I never knew I had
    Are pouring out of me 'cos I'm so glad
    Of what you mean to me
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